Biological Division

Bed Bug Detection

Not sure whether you have a bed bug infestation or not? High Drive K9 Services Bed Bug Detection Teams are highly trained to locate bed bug infestations or just a single bed bug. Bed bug populations have been on the rise globally for many years now. One of the key ways to get rid of the problem is to catch the infestation as early as possible. The most effective way to do this is with a highly trained K9/Handler team. While adult bed bugs may be easier to detect and identify, bed bug eggs are extremely hard to locate. This is where the High Drive K9 Services dogs comes in. With an adept sense of smell, bed bug detection dogs posses the ability to smell bed bugs and detect their location quickly and efficiently. These dogs are specially trained to detect the odor of live bed bugs, not dead.

Bed Bug Detection DogBed Bug Detection Dog 2

Places that we search for:

  • Hotels/motels

  • Senior centers

  • Vehicles

  • Movie theaters

  • Apartments

  • Libraries

  • Luggage

  • Public transportation

  • Houses

  • Offices

  • Schools

Mold Detection

High Drive K9 Services Mold Detection Teams provide mold detection and testing services. Our dogs perform mold inspections for any residential, occupied, non-occupies, as well building contents. We provide lab analysis and results for use by physicians, the legal system, realtors, and mold remediators. High Drive K9 Services uses traditional equipment, as well as highly trained mold detection dogs, working with a Mold Inspector, to pinpoint the source of toxic mold, regardless of whether the source is hidden or hard to reach. The results are quick; from our detection, the customer will often immediately know if mold is present. If it has an odor, a dog can find it! Mold growth can have a variety of odors that range from a traditional scent to odors that seem like a chemical spill. Unfortunately, most mold odors may not be detectable by the human nose. This is where we can help. If you have had roof leaks, basement leaks, plumbing leaks, high relative humidity, or condensation indoors, you could have a hidden mold problem. 80% of indoor mold issues are hidden and do not produce odors or visible growth. They can, however, cause a variety of health problems.